Friday, November 14, 2008

E-Tiara-Jean's place

A visit to Jean's place for dinner on Sunday Nov 10th 2008 night.We had spaghetti,bacon,cooked sushi ,salad and cheese sticks.Elwin was having fun eating,snaking, running around everywhere and moving things all around the house ha ha. Later they all were playing Hold Em Poker,as for me I do not know how to play so I just have to go chase after Elwin and see what's he up to. Everybody likes to carry him but he do not like being held.

When Elwin's was all sweaty and I have to go bath him so he is nice and cool.Once finish bathing he is sleepy taking his bolster everywhere....want to be carried around by mommy only so tiring....
Asked them to hurried up playing the play em poker ate birthday cakes and take family photos and off we go .....Home Sweet Home ~!!! Elwin is so sleepy and he miss hi "papa" so much he try to stay awake until reach home during the journey and when he saw his "papa" he is so happy !!!