Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Visit to baby sitter house

Paying a visit at baby sitter's place on the 3rd month I was back to work and he is being taken care day and night it really cost me a bomb RM850 for day and night it occasionally just for 2 months and then the end of 4th month I take him home everyday after work day time only cost me RM600 this save me some money to buy his milk powder ,pampers and stuffs.....Hmmm who say's baby dunno anything? He wait for us to pick him up at 6pm waiting everyday if late then he will take a nap 1st until 7pm then he wakes up waiting to go home.
Baby sitter is giving him a quick bath wiping him fast with warm water so he won't catch a cold during rainy days, I just sit there and watch and play with him to keep him busy.

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